Amador Valley High School drop-out rate in the 2017-18 school year decreased by 76.9 percent compared to the previous school year’s drop-out rate of 1.3.
The three bedroom, two bathroom home at 247 Burgess St., Livermore was sold on Nov. 25 by Daniel T. Perry for $795,000. The buyer was Loughborough William F & Daniela.
The home at 351 Amador Court, Pleasanton was sold on Nov. 25 by Christopher L. Winter for $1,335,000. The buyers were Salamehpunch Mona and Punch Jesse.
The three bedroom, three bathroom home at 7694 Arbor Creek Circle, Dublin was sold on Nov. 25 by Jiyoung Hong for $740,000. The buyer was Porciuncula Jessica.
On Nov. 24, Darapaneni Adarsh and Devabathini Kiranmayi purchased a home at 3441 Brandy Court, Pleasanton from Smith Kenny L. and Rosalee for $1,800,000.