7880 CANYON MEADOW Cir. GWest Pleasanton$628,000Property Tax (2021): $6,575.4Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.05%Buyer: Joshi VikasSeller: Vikas Joshi
3665 HUFF Ct.Asco$1,770,000Property Tax (2021): $6,031.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.34%Buyer: Nagar Niranjan R. and ArathiSeller: Arathi Nagar
4833 FUNSTON GATE Ct.Central Pleasanton$1,549,000Property Tax (2021): $11,003.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.71%Buyer: Boerman Brian J. (trustee)Seller: Brian J. Boerman (trustee)
2224 GREENWOOD Rd.Central Pleasanton$1,860,000Property Tax (2021): $10,547.44Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.57%Buyer: Leber Jeffrey C. and Tracy (trustees)Seller: Jeffrey C. Leber (trustee)
3771 MUIRWOOD Dr.West Pleasanton$1,699,000Property Tax (2021): $4,952.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.29%Buyer: Sobrero Gerald E. and Cynthia W. (trustees)Seller: Gerald E. Sobrero (trustee)
507 MALBEC Ct.South Pleasanton$1,425,000Property Tax (2021): $6,965.52Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.49%Buyer: Dishman Paul L. and Kathryn E.Seller: Paul L. Dishman
3575 BALLANTYNE Dr.Asco$1,580,000Property Tax (2021): $10,514.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.67%Buyer: Streng Joseph F. and Elizabeth A. (trustees)Seller: Joseph F. Streng (trustee)
5804 CORTE MARGARITACentral Pleasanton$1,850,000Property Tax (2021): $7,848.4Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.42%Buyer: Patel Amrit C.Seller: Amrit C. Patel (trustee)