The four bedroom, three bathroom home at 7007 Locust Court, Dublin was sold on June 30 by Mei Yang for $950,000. The buyers were Boles Stephen G. and Jessica T..
The home at 3116 Salisbury Court, Livermore was sold on June 30 by Monroe Daniel C. and Cathle for $1,575,000. The buyers were Chen Xiangyun and Mease David H..
The home at 665 Los Alamos Ave., Livermore was sold on June 30 by Serwah Tabaak for $1,110,000. The buyers were Kowligy Abijith S. and Kandiraju Anvitha.
The home at 145 Elvira St., Livermore was sold on June 30 by Rodney W Burnsides for $1,150,000. The buyers were Periaswamy Vignesh M. and Vallirajan Niranchana.
The home at 7685 Shady Creek Road, Dublin was sold on June 29 by Andrea Polesky (trustee) for $1,328,000. The buyers were Polesky Andrea and Stassinopoulos Adonis (trustees).