"Too many of our pilots, flight attendants and crew members are dealing with unacceptable abuse from passengers everything from kicking to spitting to biting. This behavior is inappropriate and puts other crew and passengers at risk. washingtonpost.com/transportation"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Eric Swalwell:
"Local arsonist bemoans lack of credit for burning down city. twitter.com/KatiePhang/sta"Read on Twitter
"Sorry, lady you voted to defund the @CapitolPolice. twitter.com/repmtg/status/"Read on Twitter
"Today, @SenJackReed, @RepBrianFitz & I introduced the #ProtectionfromAbusivePassengersAct to protect flight crew & passengers from intimidation & violent behavior. This bill establishes a zero tolerance policy & ensures that everyone aboard aircrafts have a safe flight." on April 6Read on Twitter