"What did taxpayers pay to fill your pockets you corrupt creep? Spare us the performative bullshit with your 30 gallon tank and premium fuel. Here are my receipts: npr.org/2022/02/16/108 twitter.com/ryanzinke/stat"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Eric Swalwell:
"What do you call @GOPLeader McCarthy trying to kick GOP members off Twitter? twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/s" on April 23Read on Twitter
"This mornings Top Chef panel has questions." on April 23Read on Twitter
"Did Stanford not teach figure of speech? Guess we only got that at state schools. But your small point is a hell of a way to show big support for Dont Say Gayand defend DeSantiss ugly act of vengeance. twitter.com/ianbremmer/sta" on April 23Read on Twitter