Meeting | Unsplash by Christina @
Meeting | Unsplash by Christina @
On Friday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the City of Dublin will host an American Red Cross Blood Drive in the Regional Meeting Room at the Dublin Civic Center (100 Civic Plaza). Every donation collected can save up to three lives!
To make a donation, visit, and use the sponsor code, "Dublin Community," or zip code "94568" to find Dublin's blood drive. You may also call 1-800-733-2767 to register.
Donors may streamline the donation process by visiting on the day of the blood drive to complete the pre-donation reading and health history questions. The Red Cross asks anyone who feels unwell on the day of their appointment to postpone their donation.
Future blood drives will be held on the following Fridays in 2023 at the City of Dublin:
- June 2
- October 6
- December 1
Original source can be found here.